Earth Girl Rx Overview

The EG Rx, or Earth Girl Prescription(s) are like the moral to a story, or the gems of wisdom garnered from a challenging experience.  They are also tips to help us feel more centered, grounded, present and content with our lives, and improve our health.  I add these to the end of many of my posts.

The Earth Girl Rx blog inspires a revival of simplicity.  I would love to see a true renaissance in eating and living more naturally and reverently for the betterment of our personal and collective existence.

I share how to eat a macrobiotic diet that is so basic ~or as my website says ~ “food so simple, your ancestors could eat it!”  The simpler, the more sustainable, plain and, well simple!

The macrobiotic diet focuses on eating a diet that is in resonance with who you are as an individual ~ your particular constitution, current condition, the region you live, and the season.  Food choices and cooking styles are adapted based on macrobiotic principles.  These principles are distilled to the essentials in our various e-books and paperbacks, all available on our Basic Macrobiotics website.

Macrobiotics is a philosophy and lifestyle, not just a diet.  Cleaning and decluttering, and using natural products, wearing natural fiber clothes, salt baths, daily scrubbing and walking barefoot are a few of the highlights recommended that you can learn more about here, or on our website or Basic Macrobiotics Youtube channel.

My husband Don and I also emphasize reconnecting with your ancestral roots.  You may be more biologically adapted to some of the foods or needs of your distant ancestors.  Plus, having an awareness of your ancestry and connecting with your roots can restore a sense of wholeness that you may not have even realized was missing.


And we are fond of fitness too.  A little yoga, and calisthenics or interval training may find it’s way here as well.  And yes, that is me hugging a tree in the top left photo, taken by an old roommate from college.

So, Earth Girl Rx is a place for me to share delicious but simple meals and recipes, tips about starting and sustaining a healthy, balanced diet based on the enduring principles of macrobiotics, yin and yang theory and the Laws of Change.  But, there is more.

Earth Girl Rx is also where I get to channel my inner nature and spirit.

I heard once that Europeans are the People of the Trees.

It rang true to me.  And since I grew up with little sense of my own roots and ancestry, I’ve realized how dis-connected that caused me to feel, and how much the trees were often my stand-in friends in times of need.

So, I will sometimes ramble, and sometimes gamble with somewhat politically IN-correct thoughts that are counter to today’s trends.

I believe we’ve lost our way.  We live with the benefit of modern technology:  we have light at the flip of a switch, water at the turn of a knob, and food on nearly every corner in urban areas.  Our food is industrialized, and we can get anywhere we desire fairly quickly, relative to the pre-Industrial era.

Yet people are sick, and seemingly getting sicker, or more mentally and emotionally unstable or dumbed down from our civilized societal distractions.  We aren’t expressing our true human qualities.

Just the fact that millions are on anti-depressants, sleep aids, and other drugs is proof enough that something in our way of living is out of sync.  So many of us are so wound up, with minds that run relentlessly on overdrive.  Yet, just 10-15 minutes spent walking barefoot on the grass, outside in nature, has been found to have profound health benefits.

And as a heads up, I’ve read studies showing that women may have more ‘rights’ than ever before, yet they are not any happier.

I don’t think women need to fight for equality, I believe women need to be women.  There is so much power in the yin, creative, nurturing force.  We are of the earth herself.  Trying to be like a man is disempowering, counter to nature, and is against life.

We can certainly express ourselves in many ways, and enjoy more traditional male pursuits, however, the sexes need to come together and re-member we are opposite, but mutually antagonistic and complementary forces that together create a beautiful whole.

In sum, a revival of simple living, eating, and lifestyles that are more harmonious to who we really are ~ our true nature ~ are what you will find here.

It’s a sharing of my own evolution, my continued dream to find my own piece of land and create a nest or homestead where we can become more self-reliant, and commune with the ideal life I’ve long fantasized about.

Connecting with nature, our roots, and a renaissance of the Divine Sacred Feminine Warrior Spirit will be tossed in here and there like the icing on the made from scratch cake.  OK, well, I’ve not yet been much of a cake maker, but you get my drift.

And to my would-be male readers, I hope my one voice among a few others can help heal the gender gap, and make relating with one another enjoyable.  I encourage a renaissance of what it means to be the divine sacred masculine expression as well.  You may also like my husband’s blog, Vital Wisdom.








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