Posted in food, greens, meals, pasta, recipes

Spaghetti Marinara with Sautéed Greens & Spaghetti with Kale, Tomatoes, Walnuts & Olives

After a recent weekend of teaching Reiki~talking a lot, and doing several energy healing sessions in a row~I worked up an appetite, and was happy to indulge in a big plate of pasta each night.  You can read about my weekend, and see all my meals for the day here.

Here are two great pasta meals that we had that weekend.  Both were loaded with greens, and somewhat similar, though different enough to enjoy both nights of pasta equally.  If I had to choose, the Corn Spaghetti and Sautéed Greens on Saturday was my the more memorable.  In fact, I’m craving more as I write.  Unfortunately, out of corn spag, but will have a Sunday, Fun Day of pasta again tomorrow.

Continue reading “Spaghetti Marinara with Sautéed Greens & Spaghetti with Kale, Tomatoes, Walnuts & Olives”

Posted in breakfast, Earth Girl Diet, food, greens, meals, pasta, recipes, Reiki, soups

A Weekend of Pasta & Teaching Reiki

Nature delivered a refreshing gift of rain and cooler weather this weekend in the Valley of the Sun.  Scottsdale, AZ that is.  Cool breezes blew through our clinic while I was teaching Reiki to a couple students this weekend.  Perfect for learning about accessing the Universal Life Force (Rei) Energy (Ki) for the purpose of healing ourselves, loved ones, clients, animals, plants or anything else we may be guided to direct our intent, and let flow the healing energy.

Perfect weather for a weekend of pasta too!

Continue reading “A Weekend of Pasta & Teaching Reiki”